Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Getting Rich In Real Estate

Getting Rich In Real EstateStop chasing every new fad or bright and shiny object that gets your attention. I love to use the analogy of the blinders that the farmer uses on the plow horse that keeps him focused on the ground ahead. You simply will not be successful at what you’re doing if you’re constantly running towards the newest shiny real estate get rich program, class, CD, book or seminar that gets your attention. STOP IT! The combination of having a smart game plan, some accountability and a lot of hard work will equal success for both REALTORS and real estate investors.
What is the weak link in your business? Is it having a smart game plan or having a committed team who is ALWAYS available to give you direction? Allow Jackson Stanley, REALTORS in South Carolina to help strengthen your weak link before the chain snaps and leaves punching the clock. Try